Trying to Conceive Tailored Proverbs – Part 1

~ All's fair in love and fertility

 ~ Feed a cold. Starve a polyp.

 ~ Enough is enough; unless you're a Duggar

 ~ Bad news travels fast on TTC Chat boards

 ~ A sperm in time saves nine

 ~ There but for the grace of God, go I... and another pregnant woman with a stroller

 ~ Behind every great man there's a great sperm count

 ~ All work and bad morphology makes Jack a dull boy

~ An infertile and her money are soon parted

 ~ To err is human; to fertilize divine

 ~ Don't bite the hand that inseminates you

 ~ You can lead a sperm to an egg, but you can't make it fertilize

 ~ Implantation speaks louder than words

~ Infertiles of a feather flock together

~ Better never than late

 ~ It ain't over till the fat lady gets a big fat positive

 ~ Hell hath no fury like an infertile scorned

 ~ Every sonogram tells a story

 ~ Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may conceive

 ~ If at first you don't succeed, f*ck, f*ck again


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