Tanagra website statistics for 2016

The year 2016 ends, 2017 begins. I wish you all a very happy year 2017.

A small statistical report on the website statistics for the 2016. All sites (Tanagra, course materials, e-books, tutorials) has been visited 264,045 times this year, 721 visits per day.

Since February, the 1st, 2008, the date from which I installed the Google Analytics counter, there are 2,111,078 visits (649 daily visits).

Who are you? The majority of visits come from France and Maghreb. Then there are a large part of French speaking countries, notably because some pages are exclusively in French. In terms of non-francophone countries, we observe mainly the United States, India, UK, Brazil, Germany, ...

The pages containing course materials about Data Mining and R Programming are the most popular ones. This is not really surprising.

Happy New Year 2017 to all.

Slideshow: Website statistics for 2016


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